Saturday, September 11, 2010

sorry about this...

As you probably know, I currently give away all of my music for free on with a donation option. In fact, I've given away 630 free downloads of all my albums to date, and I'm really proud of that. However, Bandcamp's model is changing to a limit of 500 free downloads. I do have the option of paying for more free downloads, but let's face it - that doesn't make any sense for me. I'm making next to nothing off of my albums as it is, which I don't mind at all, but I'm not about to effectively pay for people to download my album for free.

So here's the scoop: I'm going to keep ALL of my music free until the end of this month. Then, I'm going to make a song or two from each album free, but sell each album for a reasonable price with a set minimum donation. I'm thinking something between $3-$6 depending on the album. If you really can't afford to buy my music, go on google and find a download of my stuff or get it from a friend. The bottom line is, I want you to have my music, and since I record and mix nearly all my music myself, it's at no cost to me. I feel like this is pretty reasonable, and you still have the rest of this month to snag my discography for free!

In other news, both Like So and Cage Match's EPs are being mixed. Get stoked.

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