Sunday, July 10, 2016

Busy summer! In brief:

I'll be playing in Nature's Neighbor and Nnamdi's Sooper Dooper Secret Side Project at the Beat Kitchen on 8/20 for Sooper Records' launch party! This is gonna be a crazy show. Sooper Records is a new record label started by my friends Glenn and Nnamdi. Check them out at

As always, shoot me an email if you're interested in recording! I've been spending a lot of time at Pallet Sound this summer - currently, I'm in the middle of mixing an LP for What Gives, and it is a serious ripper. Gimme more stuff to do, please!

Lifted Bells' new EP is out 7/15. Coming right up.

Coaster, Great Deceivers, and Pyramid Scheme all have new music that is recorded & mixed, and will be released this year. More, too, but don't wanna count my chickens before they hatch.

Options is playing Wicker Park Fest in a couple weeks.

Coaster, Options, and Lifted Bells are playing FEST 15 in October.

Should have a couple tours to announce soon, still workin' on booking though. If you'd like me to come to your city, just shoot me an email/tweet/whatever! Also, lots of shows coming up! Keep your eye on the "live" page.

1 comment:

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